A solid fuel burning in a stagnation-point configuration is examined computationally over the full range of flammable stretch rates, from the blow-off extinction limit to the low-stretch extinction limit. Detailed kinetics, solid surface radiation interaction, and narrowband gas-phase radiation are included in the computational model of burning trioxane (C 3 H 6 O 3 ). The detailed kinetics model includes the decomposition of trioxane to formaldehyde and the subsequent combustion of formaldehyde. The solid surface radiation model addresses emission and absorption by the surface. The narrow-band radiation model includes the participating gases CO 2 , H 2 O, and CO. Scattering is not included due to the smokeless flame produced by trioxane. The adiabatic solutions are compared to solutions that include surface radiation only and the combination of surface radiation and gas-phase radiation. Flame structures are compared, with emphasis in the low stretch extinction regime where radiation effects are most apparent. Potential effects of radical recombination at the solid surface are examined. Application to fire safety in micro-gravity is also emphasized.