spectroscopy in the mid-infrared (MIR) spectral
range (i.e., 2.5–25 μm) is an excellent choice for directly
sensing trace gas analytes providing discriminatory molecular information
due to inherently specific fundamental vibrational, rovibrational,
and rotational transitions. Complimentarily, the miniaturization of
optical components has aided the utility of optical sensing techniques
in a wide variety of application scenarios that demand compact, portable,
easy-to-use, and robust analytical platforms yet providing suitable
accuracy, sensitivity, and selectivity. While MIR sensing technologies
have clearly benefitted from the development of advanced on-chip light
sources such as quantum cascade and interband cascade lasers and equally
small MIR detectors, less attention has been paid to the development
of modular/tailored waveguide technologies reproducibly and reliably
interfacing photons with sample molecules in a compact format. In
this context, the first generation of a new type of hollow waveguides
gas cellsthe so-called substrate-integrated hollow waveguides
(iHWG)with unprecedented compact dimensions published by the
research team of Mizaikoff and collaborators has led to a paradigm
change in optical transducer technology for gas sensors. Features
of iHWGs included an adaptable (i.e., designable) well-defined optical
path length via the integration of meandered hollow waveguide structures
at virtually any desired dimension and geometry into an otherwise
planar substrate, a high degree of robustness, compactness, and cost-effectiveness
in fabrication. Moreover, only a few hundred microliters of gas samples
are required for analysis, resulting in short sample transient times
facilitating a real-time monitoring of gaseous species in virtually
any concentration range. In this review, we give an overview of recent
advancements and achievements since their introduction eight years
ago, focusing on the development of iHWG-based mid-infrared sensor
technologies. Highlighted applications ranging from clinical diagnostics
to environmental and industrial monitoring scenarios will be contrasted
by future trends, challenges, and opportunities for the development
of next-generation portable optical gas-sensing platforms that take
advantage of a modular and tailorable device design.