Although Ca2؉ release from early endosomes (EE) is important for the fusion of primary endosomes, the presence of an ion channel responsible for releasing calcium from the EE has not been shown. A recent proteomics study has identified the TRPV2 channel protein in EE, suggesting that transient receptor potential-like Ca 2؉ channels may be in endosomes. The submicron size of endosomes has made it difficult to study their ion channels in the past. We have overcome this problem by generating enlarged EE with the help of a hydrolysis-deficient SKD1/ VPS4B mutant in HEK293 cells. Here we report the first patch clamp recording of a novel endosome calcium channel (ECC) in these enlarged EE. The ECC shows a similar pharmacology to that of the TRPV2 channel. In addition, the ECC has a unique chloride-dependent regulation; it is inhibited by the endosome luminal chloride with a K 50 of 82 mM.A number of TRP 2 type calcium channels have been localized to intracellular vesicles; however, their physiological roles in situ have remained largely uncharacterized. The recent identification of the TRPV2 channel protein in an early endosomal fraction (1) has raised the possibility of characterizing the physiological roles of the TRP-like channel in the native environment of the endosome membrane. To achieve this goal, it would be necessary to apply the patch clamp technique directly to endosome membranes. Past attempts at such studies have been unsuccessful, mainly because of the submicron size of endosomes. We have been able to increase the size of the endosome membrane by introducing a hydrolysis-deficient mutant of SKD1/VPS4B (E235Q) into HEK293 cells. Overexpression of SKD1/VPS4B (E235Q), which disrupts endosome trafficking (2), leads to the formation of large endosomes (3-6 m in diameter) in HEK293 cells. Using these enlarged EE, we have made the first patch clamp recordings of a novel endosome calcium channel (ECC). This ECC was sensitive to Ͼ500 M La 3ϩ inhibition as reported in other TRP family channels, but was activated by 100 M La 3ϩ and by 200 M 2-aminoethoxydiphenyl borate (2-APB), whereas being insensitive to TRPV1 activator capsaicin.
EXPERIMENTAL PROCEDURESHEK293 cells stably expressing the tetracycline-inducible SKD1/VPS4B (E235Q) gene (3) were treated with tetracycline 4 -6 h prior to the experiments. GFP-tagged SKD1/VPS4B (E235Q)-expressing cells were used to demonstrate co-localization of GFP-SKD1/VPS4B (E235Q) with endocytosed rhodamine sulfate. c-myc-SKD1/VPS4B (E235Q)-expressing cells were used to show Lysotracker Green negative staining in the rhodamine sulfate containing enlarged endosomes and were also used in patch clamp experiments.Enlarged endosomes of sizes from 3-6 m were visually identified and dissected manually with a glass electrode. Under the phase contrast microscope, enlarged endosomes were viewed as phase-bright (see Fig. 1C, circled). To facilitate slicing of the plasma membrane with an electrode, cells with enlarged endosomes, closer to the edge of cells, were used because cell thickness i...