After-school courses include programs in which students participate voluntarily according to their wishes and interests. In after-school coding course, which is one of these programs, block-based coding tools are studied and practiced in small groups in general. These courses have many positive effects, such as increasing the students' school performance and supporting their positive attitudes. In addition, social emotional learning, which covers the features desired by today's business world, can be supported by these courses. In literature, there are studies on the role and tasks of the teacher in formal education; however, there are no studies on determining the roles and tasks of the teacher in after-school courses. This study aims to examine the role and tasks of the teacher in the coding courses after school based on social emotional learning. For this purpose, one-on-one and focus group interviews were conducted with seven teachers who gave after-school coding courses. Content and frame analysis were performed on the obtained data, and three themes emerged: peer relations, self-regulation, and task consciousness. As a result of the study, it was seen that teachers fulfill the roles of observer, communicator, manager, counselor, organizer, and supporter.