The study presented in this paper is the outcome of the activity carried on within the program “Party Cloud Challenge per Genova”, promoted by IBM in collaboration with the city municipality of Genoa, Italy. This challenge aimed to show how using cognitive computing solutions in an integrated cloud-based development environment enables the rapid deployment of advanced services with interoperable applications. Specifically, we investigated a solution to cope with the problem of illegal dumping prevention in a smart city. In this respect, we will describe the study of the prototype of an automated visual recognition and alerting system. The presented solution relies on the use of cognitive computing technologies to analyze videos provided by cameras installed in urban areas, to identify trash, especially bulky waste, where it should not be, and trigger an alarm to the municipality. In particular, we want to take advantage of the pictures, frames and videos continuously recorded by cameras installed for traffic monitoring, for surveillance, etc. in smart cities where the waste management system is supposed to be integrated with other municipality services for environment control and management. Besides, an organization plan is also proposed for intelligent waste collection as well as some organizational ideas for scalability.