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ISBN 9780419154105 (hbk)A catalogue record for this book is available from the British Library Library of Congress Cataloging-in-Publication data Unhealthy housing : research, remedies, and reform / edited by Roger Burridge and David Ormandy. -1st ed. p. cm. Includes bibliographical references and index. ISBN 0-419-15410-8 (acid-free paper) 1. Housing and health. 2. Housing and health-Great Britain. 3. Housing policy. 4. Housing policy-Great Britain. I. Burridge, Roger. II. Ormandy, David. RA770.U55 1993 362.l '969'8-dc20 92-21146 CIP Publisher's Note The publisher has gone to great lengths to ensure the quality of this reprint but points out that some imperfections in the original may be apparent CONTENTS List of contributors ix Preface xii Introduction xv Part One The Parameters of Health and Housing Research 42 3.3 Health and illness: individual or collective attributes? 46 3.4 'Aggregate health' and housing 3.5 The ecological and atomist fallacies 3.6 The causes of health and illness 3. 7 Identifying community health and doing something about it 59 Bibliography Part Two The Identification and Evaluation of Hazards 4 Damp and mouldy housing: a holistic approach Sonja Hunt 4.1 Introduction 4.2 Housing as a health hazard 4.3 Dampness, mould growth and health status 78 4.4 Longitudinal studies 4.5 Long-term effects Bibliography 5 Dampness, mould growth and respiratory disease in children hwS~~~ ~ 5.1 Introduction 5.2 The scope of epidemiological research 5.3 Epidemiological studies of dampness, mould growth and respiratory disease in children 5.4 A population survey of damp housing and childhood asthma 5.5 Objective measurement of asthma 102 5.6 Measurement of airborne mould spores 106 5.7 Assessment of causality 108 5.8 Conclusion 112 Acknowledgements 113 Bibliography 114 6 Cold-and heat-related illnesses in the indoor environment K. J. Collins 11 7 6.1 Introduction 117 iv CONTENTS 6.2 Thermal factors and health 119 6.3 The comfort zone 120 6.4 Temperature requirements and morbidity in children 122 6.5 Humidity, cold and respiratory disorders 124 6.6 Cardiovascular responses in the cold 126 6. 7 Urban hypothermia 128 6.8 Winter mortality and cold homes 130 6.9 Heat-related illnesses in the urban environment 133 6.10 Accident rates and ambient temperature 136 Bibliography 13 7 7 Cold, condensation and housing poverty Thomas A. Markus 7.1 Introduction 7.2 Material factors 7.3 Material effects 7.4 Personal and social effects 7.5 Climate 7.6 Cold and poverty 7. 7 The Glasgow dimension Bibliography 8 Mental health and high-rise housing Hugh Freeman 8.1 Introduction 8.2 Historical background 8.3 Methodological issues 8.4 Empirical studies of high-rise housing 8.5 High-rise living as a pathogenic factor 8.6 Conclusion Acknowledgement Bibliography 9 Women, crowding and mental health Jonatha...