Detecting plant diseases using the traditional method such as the naked eye can sometimes lead to incorrect identification and classification of the diseases. Consequently, this traditional method can strongly contribute to the losses of the crop. Image processing techniques have been used as an approach to detect and classify plant diseases. This study aims to focus on the diseases affecting the leaves of al-berseem and how to use image processing techniques to detect al-berseem diseases. Early detection of diseases important for finding appropriate treatment quickly and avoid economic losses. Detect the plant disease is based on the symptoms and signs that appear on the leaves. The detection steps include image preprocessing, segmentation, and identification. The image noise is removed in the preprocessing stage by using the MATLAB features energy, mean, homogeneity, and others. The k-mean-clustering is used to detect the affected area in leaves. Finally, KNN will be used to recognize unhealthy leaves and determines disease types (fungal diseases, pest diseases (shall), leaf minor (red spider), and deficiency of nutrient (yellow leaf)); these four types of diseases will detect in this thesis. Identification is the last step in which the disease will identify and classified.