The malacological collection of the Universidade Federal de Santa Maria, curated by Dr. Carla B. Kotzian, has been recently donated to the Museu de Zoologia da Universidade de São Paulo (MZSP, Brazil). The collection is rich in well preserved specimens of terrestrial gastropods from central Rio Grande do Sul state, in southernmost Brazil. That region, centered in the municipality of Santa Maria, represents a transitional area between the Atlantic Rainforest and Pampas biomes and has been scarcely reported in the literature. Therefore, we present a taxonomical study of these specimens, complemented by historical material of the MZSP collection. Overall, we report 20 species, mostly belonging to the Stylommatophora, from which four represent new records for Rio Grande do Sul: Adelopoma brasiliense, Happia vitrina, Macrodontes gargantua, and Cyclodontina corderoi. The present report of C. corderoi is also the first from Brazil. Two introduced species were found in the studied material: Bradybaena similaris and Zonitoides sp.