“…the four triple-pairs, which we did write after the first, and we now, guided by his conciseness and brevity, confine ourselves to writing down only the first pair-set that he presented for each of the two remaining cases, where n = 7 and n = 11, respectively: {(0, ∞), (1, 3), (2, 6), (4, 5)} and {(0, ∞), (1,2), (3,6), (4,8), (5,10), (9, 7)}. Unlike the case n = 5, an alternative might be presented for n = 7, which is {(0, ∞), (1,5), (2,3), (4, 6)}, and for n = 11, which is {(0, ∞), (1,6), (3,7), (4,2), (5,8), (9,10)…”