In this paper, we construct a nonlinear wavelet estimator of conditional density function for a left truncation model. We provide an asymptotic expression for the mean integrated squared error (MISE) of the estimator. It is assumed that the lifetime observations form a stationary α-mixing sequence. Unlike for kernel estimator, the MISE expression of the nonlinear wavelet estimator is not affected by the presence of discontinuities in the curves.Left-truncated data occur in astronomy, economics, epidemiology and biometry; see Woodroofe, 41 Feigelson and Babu, 15 Wang et al., 40 Tsai et al. 39 and He and Yang. 20 Recently, Ould-Saïd and Tatachak 32 constructed a new kernel estimator of the conditional density for the left-truncation model in independent setting. In this paper we introduce a nonlinear wavelet estimator of the conditional density for the left-truncation model, and provide an asymptotic expression of the MISE of the estimator when the data exhibit some kind of dependence. It is assumed that the lifetime observations form a stationary α-mixing sequence.The rest of the paper is organized as follows. In the next section, we give some notations. Section 3 introduces the nonlinear wavelet estimator of the conditional density. Main results are formulated in Sec. 4. The proofs of the main results are given in Sec. 5. In Appendix, we collect some known results, which are used in Sec. 5.