In the last decade, there have been significant developments in Image Caption Generation research to translate images into English descriptions. This task has also been conducted to produce texts in non-English, including Bahasa. However, the references in this study are still limited, so exploration opportunities are open widely. This paper presents comparative research by examining several state-of-the-art Deep Learning algorithms to extract images and generate their descriptions in Bahasa. We extracted images using three pre-trained models, namely InceptionV3, Xception, and EfficientNetV2S. In the language model, we examined four architectures: LSTM, GRU, Bidirectional LSTM, and Bidirectional GRU. The database used was Flickr8k which was translated into Bahasa. Model evaluation was conducted using BLEU and Meteor. The performance results based on the pre-trained model showed that EfficientNetV3S significantly gave the highest score among other models. On the other hand, in the language model, there was only a slight difference in model performance. However, in general, the Bidirectional GRU scored higher. We also found that step size in training affected overfitting. Larger step sizes tended to provide better generalizations. The best model was generated using EfficientNetV3S and Bidirectional GRU with step size=4096, which resulted in an average score of BLEU-1=0,5828 and Meteor=0,4520.