For the past decades, simulation-based likelihood-free inference methods have enabled to address 1 numerous population genetics problems. As the richness and amount of simulated and real genetic 2 data keep increasing, the field has a strong opportunity to tackle tasks that current methods hardly 3 solve. However, high data dimensionality forces most methods to summarize large genomic datasets 4 into a relatively small number of handcrafted features (summary statistics). Here we propose an 5 alternative to summary statistics, based on the automatic extraction of relevant information using deep 6 learning techniques. Specifically, we design artificial neural networks (ANNs) that take as input single 7 nucleotide polymorphic sites (SNPs) found in individuals sampled from a single population and infer 8 the past effective population size history. First, we provide guidelines to construct artificial neural 9 networks that comply with the intrinsic properties of SNP data such as invariance to permutation of 10 haplotypes, long scale interactions between SNPs and variable genomic length. Thanks to a Bayesian 11 hyperparameter optimization procedure, we evaluate the performances of multiple networks and 12 compare them to well established methods like Approximate Bayesian Computation (ABC). Even 13 without the expert knowledge of summary statistics, our approach compares fairly well to an ABC 14 based on handcrafted features. Furthermore we show that combining deep learning and ABC can 15 improve performances while taking advantage of both frameworks. Finally, we apply our approach to 16 reconstruct the effective population size history of cattle breed populations.In the past years, fields such as computer vision and natural language processing have shown impressive results thanks 19 to the rise of deep learning methods. What makes these methods so powerful is not fully understood yet, but one 20 key element is their ability to handle and exploit high dimensional structured data. Therefore, deep learning seems 21 particularly suited to extract relevant information from genomic data, and has indeed been used for many tasks outside 22 population genetics at first, such as prediction of protein binding sites, of phenotypes or of alternative splicing sites 23