Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) simulation is widely used for system design, processing techniques development, and mission planning. However, there is no readily available and free framework for SAR raw signal simulation, and many teams and organizations struggle with developing their own simulator from scratch, repeating work that others have done earlier. This work's purpose is to create a simple, open-source SAR simulation framework that can be used for many purposes and is available for free to everyone. It is a ready tool for SAR processing techniques verification, and thanks to its opensource nature, it fosters collaboration between scientists, both on the simulation and the tool development. Moreover, as the simulation's underlying mathematics is described in detail in this paper, it may serve as a handbook for the radar's simulation. The simulator was prepared as a stand-alone, multiplatform software working in the Matlab/Octave environment. It is available in an online software repository that allows others to contribute to the original code or to create forks of it. The simulator supports monostatic, bistatic, and multistatic configurations with shadowing. The surface model includes roughness using the modified Phong model, transparency, and complex reflectivity. The antenna pattern is defined with a general two-dimensional model. The paper is concluded with the simulator's demonstrations, including antenna pattern, Doppler shift, and various surface parameters. It is expected that this simulator will be widely adopted and improved by many collaborators.