An analytic relationship of the mask mean-to-target (MTT) and the mask uniformity specifications affected by the mask proximity effect (MPE) is suggested. MPE mainly caused by e-beam proximity and the etch loading effect makes different MTTs for patterns with different pitch sizes. À is the parameter introduced to represent MTT differences induced by MPE. The mask MTT and uniformity (M-U) curves which define the boundary of the specification region shift along the mask MTT axis according to the sign of À . The mask M-U curves translate upward for a positive À and downward for a negative À . M-U specifications are calculated for 45 and 51 nm half-pitch sizes. À 's are obtained from the experimental proximity curve and they are À0:5 and À0:8 nm for the 45 and 51 nm nodes, respectively. For the 45 nm node, the lower and upper mask MTT specifications are À5:35 and 3.91 nm, respectively. For the 51 nm node, the lower and upper MTT specifications are À9:00 and 3.90 nm, respectively. M-U curves are shown to be translated downward for negative À 's and their amounts are À2:55 and À0:72 nm for the 45 and 51 nm nodes, respectively.