Using Keck/NIRC2 L ¢ (3.78 μm) data, we report the direct imaging discovery of a scattered-light-resolved, solarsystem-scale residual protoplanetary disk around the young A-type star HD 141569A, interior to and concentric with the two ring-like structures at wider separations. The disk is resolved down to ∼0 25 and appears as an arclike rim with attached hook-like features. It is located at an angular separation intermediate between that of warm CO gas identified from spatially resolved mid-infrared spectroscopy and diffuse dust emission recently discovered with the Hubble Space Telescope. The inner disk has a radius of ∼39 au, a position angle consistent with northup, andan inclination of i ∼ 56 o and has a center offset from the star. Forwardmodeling of the disk favors a thick torus-like emission sharply truncated at separations beyond the torus's photocenter and heavily depleted at smaller separations. In particular, the best-fit density power law for the dust suggests that the inner disk dust and gas (as probed by CO) are radially segregated, a feature consistent with the dust trapping mechanism inferred from observations of "canonical" transitional disks. However, the inner disk component may instead be explained by radiation pressure-induced migration in optically thin conditions, in contrast to the two stellar companion/planetinfluenced ring-like structures at wider separations. HD 141569A's circumstellar environment-with three nested, gapped, concentric dust populations-is an excellent laboratory for understanding the relationship between planet formation and the evolution of both dust grains and disk architecture.