DNA looping occurs in many important protein-DNA interactions, including those regulating replication, transcription, and recombination. Recent theoretical studies predict that tension of only a few piconewtons acting on DNA would almost completely inhibit DNA looping. Here, we study restriction endonucleases that require interaction at two separated sites for efficient cleavage. Using optical tweezers we measured the dependence of cleavage activity on DNA tension with 15 known or suspected two-site enzymes (BfiI, BpmI, BsgI, BspMI, Cfr9I, Cfr10I, Eco57I, EcoRII, FokI, HpaII, MboII, NarI, SacII, Sau3AI, and SgrAI) and six one-site enzymes (BamHI, EcoRI, EcoRV, HaeIII, HindIII, and DNaseI). All of the one-site enzymes were virtually unaffected by 5 pN of tension, whereas all of the two-site enzymes were completely inhibited. These enzymes thus constitute a remarkable example of a tension sensing ''molecular switch.'' A detailed study of one enzyme, Sau3AI, indicated that the activity decreased exponentially with tension and the decrease was Ϸ10-fold at 0.7 pN. At higher forces (Ϸ20 -40 pN) cleavage by the one-site enzymes EcoRV and HaeIII was partly inhibited and cleavage by HindIII was enhanced, whereas BamHI, EcoRI, and DNaseI were largely unaffected. These findings correlate with structural data showing that EcoRV bends DNA sharply, whereas BamHI, EcoRI, and DNaseI do not. Thus, DNA-directed enzyme activity involving either DNA looping or bending can be modulated by tension, a mechanism that could facilitate mechanosensory transduction in vivo.DNA looping ͉ protein-DNA interactions ͉ single-molecule manipulation R estriction endonucleases (REases) are prokaryotic enzymes that act to ''restrict'' invasion of foreign DNA by cleaving phosphodiester bonds (1). These enzymes also serve as indispensable tools in molecular biology research and are used in procedures such as DNA cloning, fingerprinting, mapping, and sequencing (2). From the perspective of molecular biophysics, these enzymes are excellent model systems for studying basic principles of protein-DNA interactions (3, 4).The most commonly studied REases are of the type II variety, which cleave within or near specific recognition sites, usually require Mg 2ϩ ions as a cofactor, and do not hydrolyze ATP. More than 3,500 different type II REases having Ͼ200 different binding specificities have been identified (5). Of particular interest in our present study are the many unorthodox type II REases that do not cleave DNA efficiently if the template contains only one recognition site (6, 7). Efficient cleavage is only observed with templates containing two or more sites, suggesting that the active complex binds at two sites and the intervening DNA is looped out (7). This phenomenon of DNA looping is of broad importance in molecular biology and plays a role in many key processes including DNA transcription, replication, recombination, and repair (8-13). Looping of DNA by the Lac and Gal repressor proteins in Escherichia coli, for example, is well demonstrated and h...