Atomic-resolution transmission electron microscopy was used to identify individual Au 9 clusters on as ulfurfunctionalizedg raphene surface.T he clusters were preformed in solution and covalently attached to the surface without any dispersion or aggregation. Comparison of the experimental images with simulations allowed the rotational motion, without lateral displacement, of individual clusters to be discerned, therebyd emonstrating ar obust covalent attachment of intact clusters to the graphene surface.Gold nanoparticles (AuN Ps) have structure-and sizedependent optical and electronic properties, [1][2][3][4] and their catalytic activity increases when the particle size drops down to around 1nm.[5] To achieve this size,a na ccurate design of ligand-protected gold nanoclusters (AuN Cs) is required. A family of phosphine-coordinatedA uN Cs ([Au n L m ] z+ ; n = 1-11, z = 1-4;L= PPh 3 or PPh 2 (CH 2 ) 3 PPh 2 )having well-defined nuclearity and geometrical structures have been synthesized [6,7] and shown to exhibit clearly distinguishable optical and electronic properties. [7][8][9][10] However,the immobilization of Au NCs onto as upport is an important step towards their implementation in practical devices,which has so far not been realized satisfactorily. [1,2,11,12] Therefore,t he challenge is to develop as trategy to chemically bind predesigned Au NCs onto the surface of solid conductors/semiconductors,t hus allowing direct correlation between property and structural features.Graphene (G), as at wo-dimensional system with outstanding electronic properties and ah igh surface area, [13] offers the ideal platform for the deposition of NPs. [14] In addition, the diversity of carbon chemistry offers many routes to producing chemically modified graphene (CMG). [13,15,16] Nanoparticles have been stably attached to both Gand CMGs for ap lethora of different applications.[17] In particular, different routes for the hybridization of Au NPs with G have been studied, [18][19][20][21][22][23] but surprisingly,t he fabrication of atomically precise Au NCs supported on Gr emains unexplored. Recently,w eh ave described an easy way to chemically modify graphene with sulfur functionalities, [24] and now,b yt aking advantage of the affinity between gold and sulfur, we describe the stable attachment of preformed [Au 9 (PPh 3 ) 8 ](NO 3 )c lusters [25] to our CMG.A berration-corrected transmission electron microscopy (ac-TEM) has been employed to directly identify individual covalently attached Au 9 clusters,a nd to track their relative orientation.Chemically modified graphene with sulfur functionalities was synthesized by treatment of graphene oxide (GO) with potassium thioacetate,f ollowed by an aqueous work-up. [24] This route is simple and scalable,a nd gives as ingle-layer material with reactive thiol groups that offer anchoring points for further functionalization;t his material is referred to as GOSH. Moreover,t he synthetic route results in ap artial reduction of the GO when the sulfur functionalities are introdu...