The discrepancy between the structural longitudinal organization of the parallel-fiber system in the cerebellar cortex and the functional mosaic-like organization of the cortex has provoked controversial theories about the f low of information in the cerebellum. We address this issue by characterizing the spatiotemporal organization of neuronal activity in the cerebellar cortex by using optical imaging of voltage-sensitive dyes in isolated guinea-pig cerebellum. Parallel-fiber stimulation evoked a narrow beam of activity, which propagated along the parallel fibers. Stimulation of the mossy fibers elicited a circular, nonpropagating patch of synchronized activity. These results strongly support the hypothesis that a beam of parallel fibers, activated by a focal group of granule cells, fails to activate the Purkinje cells along most of its length. It is thus the ascending axon of the granule cell, and not its parallel branches, that activates and defines the basic functional modules of the cerebellar cortex.The cerebellar cortex is composed of five types of neurons organized in a lattice-like structure that receives input from two sources: the mossy fibers and the climbing fibers. Briefly, the axon of each granular cell ascends through the molecular layer, forming several synaptic contacts with Purkinje cells and other cortical interneurons. The axons then bifurcate at various levels within this layer and run longitudinally along the cerebellar folium in a mediolateral direction. These bifurcating axons collectively form the parallel-fiber system, which is oriented perpendicularly to the plane of Purkinje-cell dendrites. As they cross the dendrites of the Purkinje cells, each of these fibers establishes a single, rarely a double, synaptic contact with Purkinje cells along their path (1, 2). Accordingly, the classical view of the functional organization of the cerebellar cortex asserts that the information coming from mossy fibers flows along the parallel fibers (3-5), generating an elongated band of Purkinje-cell activity underneath the parallel-fiber beam. However, peripheral tactile stimulation yielded a contradictory result; patch-like receptive fields were observed (6). Consequently, a modern view of the cerebellar organization has been proposed (7,8). This modern view postulates a radial organization of the cerebellar cortex rather than a mediolateral organization. The radial organization emphasizes the strong input from the ascending branch of the granular-cell axon relative to its parallel branches.To discriminate between the patterns of activity that stem from the two different functional organizations, one should use a technique that enables simultaneous recording from many sites. Optical imaging of voltage-sensitive dyes, pHsensitive dyes, or intrinsic optical signals seems to be an appropriate method. Indeed, previous imaging studies of cerebellar activity have shown that surface stimulation generates activity that propagates along a beam of parallel fibers (9-13). By using a pH-sensitive dye, E...