A 6-month-old girl born to a primigravid mother presented with a lump attached on the posterior side of the right auricle. Pregnancy and spontaneous vaginal delivery were uncomplicated.The lesion was first noticed at the age of 3 months as a small nodule with subsequent rapid growth, plateauing after 1 month, and was initially considered as a hemangioma. She was referred to us because of ulceration of the lesion since 1 week.On physical examination, the lump was 3.5 cm 9 1.5 cm and the overlying skin had a reddish-blue discoloration. On palpation, the posterior part was firm to gritty and the anterior side was ulcerated, tender, and inflamed ( Fig. 1). Haemophilus influenzae was cultured from the ulcerated part.Ultrasound examination showed an ovoid complex mass with calcification at the junction of the dermis and subcutaneous fat and focal thinning of the overlying dermis. She was treated with ampicillin for 5 days and then the lump was excised.