The antivortex is a fundamental magnetization structure which is the topological counterpart of the wellknown magnetic vortex. We study here the ultrafast dynamic behavior of an isolated antivortex in a patterned Permalloy thin-film element. Using micromagnetic simulations we predict that the antivortex response to an ultrashort external field pulse is characterized by the production of an additional antivortex as well as of a temporary vortex, followed by an annihilation process. These processes are complementary to the recently reported response of a vortex and, similar to the vortex, lead to the reversal of the orientation of the antivortex core region. In addition to its fundamental interest, this dynamic magnetization process could be used for the generation and propagation of spin waves for future logical circuits. DOI: 10.1103/PhysRevB.77.060404 PACS number͑s͒: 75.40.Gb, 75.40.Mg, 75.60.Jk, 75.75.ϩa Extended ferromagnetic films often display complex magnetization patterns with a rich variety of features. 1 This complexity can be reduced by decomposing the magnetic patterns into a few elementary magnetization structures, such as domains, domain walls, or vortices. The dynamic properties of such fundamental structures have been investigated thoroughly over the last years by isolating them in patterned elements. 2 In particular, the magnetic vortex has attracted much interest. 3-9 An equally fundamental, yet much less studied, magnetic structure is the antivortex, the topological counterpart of the vortex. In the complex structures occurring in extended soft-magnetic films, antivortices can be found almost as frequently as ordinary vortices: they occur in cross-tie domain walls, where they are enclosed by two adjacent vortex structures. 10 While the in-plane magnetization distribution of an antivortex is very different from that of a vortex ͓see Fig. 1͑a͔͒, it contains, similar to the vortex, a tiny core 3 at its center in which the magnetization points perpendicular to the plane. Moreover, the two structures are related by underlying topological properties: In both cases, the local magnetization rotates by 360°on a closed loop around the core. The structures differ by their opposite sense of rotation along such a loop, which is quantified by the winding number w ͑w = −1 for the antivortex, w = + 1 for the vortex͒. 11,12 The winding number has been predicted to have a direct impact on the magnetization dynamics. 11,13 However, not much is known to date about the dynamic properties of antivortices, even though several other fundamental magnetization structures have been analyzed in patterned thin-film elements. 2 Studies with high spatial and temporal resolution have demonstrated that domains, domain walls, and vortices exhibit different excitation spectra. 5,14 Such investigations have mostly focused on small perturbations and on reversible changes in these structures produced by an external field. 15,16 However, in a recent study on cross-tie walls, Neudert et al. 17 have reported the creation of new cr...