Research Highlights: Technology advances have allowed for a new approach to research the decline of the Korean fir (Abies koreana E.H.Wilson). This study provides insights into the exact causes leading to this decline. Background and Objectives: Various factors could lead to the decline of fir trees around Mt. Halla, Korea, but these have not yet been verified. Here, the Korean fir across Mt. Halla were classified as dead or living and mapped using high-resolution orthorectified aerial images and three-dimensional (3D) stereoplotting. Materials and Methods: Aerial photographs were used to map spatial distribution and analyze the distribution patterns and mortality of the Korean fir. The electronic stereoplotting program (Geo3Di-PRO) enabled the creation of 3D images from aerial photographs. General, altitudinal, and topographical distribution was assessed. Results: Their accumulated percent mortality rate (APMR) showed positive correlations with altitude and tree density, a negative correlation with terrain slope, and no consistent correlation with solar radiation. The results indicate that increases in the density of Korean firs are related to decreased growth in areas at high altitude, on gentle slopes, and with high solar radiation. Consistent positive correlations between density and APMR indicate that fir mortality can be attributed to environmental deterioration and the establishment of unfavorable growth conditions. Areas with high APMR and density had gentle slopes, thus high soil moisture, or relatively high annual precipitation owing to high altitude. Conclusion: Fir mortality on Mt. Halla can be attributed to long-term persistently high rainfall and subsequent excess soil moisture.