Human dialogues are scenario-based and appropriate responses generally relate to the latent context knowledge entailed by the specific scenario. To enable responses that are more meaningful and context-specific, we propose to improve generative dialogue systems from the scenario perspective, where both dialogue history and future conversation are taken into account to implicitly reconstruct the scenario knowledge. More importantly, the conversation scenarios are further internalized using imitation learning framework, where the conventional dialogue model that has no access to future conversations is effectively regularized by transferring the scenario knowledge contained in hierarchical supervising signals from the scenario-based dialogue model, so that the future conversation is not required in actual inference. Extensive evaluations show that our approach significantly outperforms state-of-theart baselines on diversity and relevance, and expresses scenario-specific knowledge. But the ad said they will be sold for a week. I'm glad these cheap and cheerful batteries are on sale. Unfortunately, all types of batteries are costing more these days. Could you cut the price a little, please? Scenario 1 Scenario 2But the ad said they will be sold for a week.