134eratomas are known to be germ cell-derived tumors and occur most commonly in the gonads. Extragonadal occurrence is rarer and reported mainly in the sacrococcigeal area, the mediastinum, the retroperitoneal region, the cranial cavity, and the neck region. Though mature teratomas are the most frequent germ cell tumors of the ovary (16% to 20% of all ovarian neoplasms), the incidence of teratomas of the fallopian tube is extremely low.1 None of the reported cases were diagnosed preoperatively. At the present time, only about 60 cases have been reported in the literature.Mature Cystic Teratoma of the Fallopian Tube: Case Report A AB BS ST TR RA AC CT T Teratomas are known to be germ cell-derived tumors and occur most commonly in the gonads. Extragonadal occurrence is rarer and reported mainly in the sacrococcigeal area, the mediastinum, retroperitoneal region, the cranial cavity, and the neck region. Teratomas of the fallopian tubes are very rarely encountered in the literature. We describe the occurrence of a mature cystic teratoma of the fallopian tube discovered at laparotomy for an ovarian cystic mass. A salpingectomy was performed with dissection of the pedicle attaching the mass to the fallopian tube and removal of the dermoid cyst. Histopathologic examination showed components from each germ cell layer; therefore, the diagnosis of a mature cystic teratoma of the right fallopian tube was confirmed. Tubal masses should be also considered in the differential diagnosis of all adnexal masses such as mature cystic teratomas of fallopian tubes. K Ke ey y W Wo or rd ds s: : Fallopian tubes; teratoma Ö ÖZ ZE ET T Teratomlar germ hücre kaynaklı ve en sık gonadlarda görülen tümörler olarak bilinirler. Ekstragonadal görülmeleri nadirdir ve sakrokoksigeal alan, mediasten retroperitoneal alanlarda, kranial kavitede ve boyun bölgesinde görülmeleri rapor edilmiştir. Fallop tüplerinin teratomlarına ise literatürde çok daha nadir rastlanmaktadır. Biz kistik ovaryan kitle nedeniyle laparatomi yapıldığı zaman rastlanılan fallop tüpünün matür kistik teratomunu sunuyoruz. Kitlenin fallop tü-püne bağlanan pedikülü diseke edilerek dermoid kist çıkarıldı ve salpenjektomi yapıldı. Histopatolojik inceleme her bir germ hücre tabakası komponentleri görülmüş ve böylece sağ fallopian tüpün matür kistik teratomu tanısı konfirme edilmiştir. Adneksiyal kitlelerin ayırıcı tanısında fallop tüp-lerinin matür kistik teratomu gibi tubal kitleler de göz önünde bulundurulmalıdır.A An na ah ht ta ar r K Ke el li im me el le er r: : Fallop tüpleri; teratom T Tu ur rk ki iy ye e K Kl li in ni ik kl le er ri i J J G Gy yn ne ec co ol l O Ob bs st t 2 20 01 15 5; ;2 25 5( (2 2) ): :1 13 34 4--7 7