1 We examined effects of bradykinin (BK) receptor antagonists on airway hyperresponsiveness and eosinophilia in sensitized guinea-pigs that had been administered single, as well as repeated (chronic) challenges with inhaled ovalbumin. In addition, the effects of BK antagonists on antigen-induced respiratory distress during the chronic study were noted. 2 At 24 h following single antigen challenge, guinea-pigs exhibited airway hyperresponsiveness to the bronchoconstrictor effect of i.v. histamine, characterized by a left shift in the dose-response curve. In addition, responses to the maximum dose of histamine that could be used were significantly increased in hyperresponsive guinea-pigs. (NPC 16731). NPC 16731 also abolished antigen-induced cyanosis, and delayed the onset of dyspnoea, doubling the time taken for animals to exhibit respiratory distress. 6 The ability of BK receptor antagonists to inhibit antigen-induced airway hyperresponsiveness, in addition to eosinophilia, indicates an important role for endogenous kinins. Moreover, the abrogation of eosinophil infiltration suggests that BK has a significant function in maintaining allergic inflammation of the airways.