Summary MATERIALS AND METHODSEstimated cerebral blood flow (eCBF) was measured sequenSeven asphyxiated infants showing evidence of HIE and seven tially in seven term infants with evidence of hypoxic-ischemic normal-term infants were studied. ,411 infants in the control group encephalopathy (HIE) and compared with that of normal-term were selected from the normal newborn nurseries of the Royal infants. The eCBF was determined by a noninvasive method Alexandra Hospital and were found to be completely normal upon involving brief bilateral jugular venous occlusion with simultaneous general physical and detailed neurological examinations (21). All measurement of occipitofrontal circumference. There was a sig-infants in the asphyxia group were cared for in the Newborn nificant decrease in eCBF on day 2 (30 f 4 ml/min/100 g brain Intensive Care Nursery of the same hospital. Infants with evidence weight) and on day 4 (36 + 5 mJ/min/100 g brain weight) compared of infection, congential heart disease, congenital abnormalities of with control values (56 2 4 ml/min/100 g brain weight; 54 2 4 mJ/ the nervous system, or respiratory distress unrelated to asphyxia min/100 g brain weight) (P < 0.01). The alveolar CO2 was signifi-were not included in this study. Only those infants who fulfilled cantly lower on days 2 and 4 in the HIE group (P < 0.001), and the following criteria during an initial 24 hr period of observation these values increased to control values by day 6. There was no in the Newborn Intensive Care Nursery were selected: significant correlation between estimated cerebral blood flow and 1. Gestation >37 wk, both by maternal dates and clinical alveolar C 0 2 in infants with HIE. We conclude that term infants assessment, with a birth weight appropriate for gestational with evidence of hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy demonstrate age. lowered eCBF in the first 4 days of life.2. A history suggestive of fetal disCress including meconium staining, fetal heart rate abnormalities, severe antepartum hemorrhage, or a complicated delivery including breech Speculation extraction, difficult forceps extraction, failed forceps, and/ Some of the treatment schedules used for infants with hypoxicor cesarean section for prolonged labor or fetal distress. ischemic encephalopathy may, in fact, alter brain blood flow.3. Immediate neonatal asphyxia as evidenced by the need for Therefore, consideration of low cerebral blood flow in these infants immediate intubation and resuscitation or Apgar scores of becomes very important when such therapy is contemplated.3 or less at 1 min or 5 or less at 5 min. 4. Neurologic dysfunction as evidenced by seizures, marked abnormalities of behavioral state, posture, tone, motility, Perinatal asphyxia or hypoxic-ischemic encephalopathy (HIE) and reflexes (3,25). Some infants had other system abnoris a significant cause of neonatal mortality and morbidity (1, 2, 6, malities related to asphyxia, i.e., renal, hepatic, and meta-15, 30). The majority of infants who demonstrate neurologic and bolic dysfuncti...