Interest in the development of methods for the determination of actinides and lanthanides in natural and industrial samples remains constant. In aqueous solutions, heavy transuranium elements occur predominantly in a trivalent state and are close to lanthanides in chemical properties. Rare-earth elements (REEs) are uranium concomitants, and their content in the diagnostics of uranium products must be controlled. The development of sorption-spectroscopic and test methods based on highly effective organic reagents and polymeric substrates is favorable to solving these important problems.Alizarin S, pyrocatechol violet, bromopyrogallol red, and arsenazo I, recommended in the literature for the determination of REEs, form complex compounds with lanthanides in a neutral medium. The complexation of reagents of the group of bisazosubstituted chromotropic acids with REEs proceeds in an acid medium and is characterized by significantly higher molar extinction coefficients. With arsenazo III, lanthanides form green complexes at pH 2-3 with an absorption maximum at 650-655 nm, the ratio Me : R = 1 : 1, and ε ~ (6-7) × 10 4 [1, 2]. Arsenazo I, arsenazo III, arsenazo M, and orthanilic A were used in the determination of REEs by spectrophotometry, spectrophotometric titration with an EDTA solution, and differential spectrophotometry. Procedures were developed for the determination of both two-component mixtures and total REE content [3].Sorption-spectrophotometric and test methods for the determination of element ions with organic reagents are being increasingly used in analytical chemistry. This is fully justified because both the sensitivity and selectivity of the determination of elements on solid phase are as a rule higher than in solution. The corresponding complication of analysis is insignificant [4,5].The sorption of lanthanum, terbium, and erbium complexes with arsenazo II, arsenazo III, carboxyarsenazo III, and chlorophosphonazo III on the solid phase of ion exchangers and silica gel was studied in [6]. It was noted that the complexes were not adsorbed on the KU-2 cation exchanger and the adsorbates exhibited no bright color on the AV-17 anion exchanger. The color of the adsorbates on the Silokhrom S-120 silica gel was insufficiently saturated, and only the presence of tetrabutylammonium bromide made the reactions of REEs on the silica gel solid phase sufficiently sensitive. At pH > 5.0-5.5, silanol groups of the substrate dissociated and the sorption of complexes formed at pH > 5 became impossible. The effect of doubling the functional analytical group of the reagents, being pronounced for solutions, became even more substantial for adsorbates. It was noted that the use of reactions on solid phase and colorimetric characteristics significantly improved the sensitivity of determination as compared to the sensitivity of REE determination in solutions.Fibrous ion exchangers are rather convenient, mechanically and chemically stable materials that can be used as the solid phase in sorption-spectroscopic and test methods ...