Generalised immune dysfunction in chronic kidney disease, especially in patients requiring haemodialysis (HD), significantly enhances the risk of severe infections. Moreover, vaccine-induced immunity is typically reduced in HD populations, but the full mechanisms behind this remain unclear. The SARS-CoV-2 pandemic provided an opportunity to examine the magnitude and functionality of antibody responses in HD patients to a previously unencountered antigen, Spike (S)-glycoprotein, after vaccination with different vaccine platforms (viral vector (VV); mRNA (mRV)). Here, we compared total and functional anti-S antibody responses (cross-variant neutralisation and complement binding) in 187 HD patients and 43 healthy controls 21-28 days after serial immunisation. After 2 doses of the same vaccine, HD patients had anti-S antibody levels and complement binding capacity comparable to controls. However, 2 doses of mRV induced greater polyfunctional antibody responses than VV, yet previous SARS-CoV-2 infection or an mRV boost after 2 doses of VV significantly enhanced antibody functionality in HD patients. Therefore, HD patients can generate near-normal, functional antigen-specific antibody responses following serial vaccination to a novel antigen, suggesting largely intact B cell memory. Encouragingly, exploiting immunological memory by using mRNA vaccines and boosting may improve the success of vaccination strategies in this vulnerable patient population.