This paper presents simulation study of Static characteristics for DMG (Dual Material Gate) Hetero-Dielectric (H-D) Tunnel FET. Here, two previously reported device architectures i.e. a DMG Single Dielectric TFET and SMG (Single Material Gate) Hetero-Dielectric TFET have been optimized by tuning the work functions and length and later on their combined impact on the proposed device architecture i.e.
DMG Hetero-Dielectric Tunnel FET (DMG H-D TFET) is beenstudied. Electrical parameters such as threshold voltage, drain current I ds , Sub threshold Slope, I on to I off ratio, ambipolar current I amb have been studied. Some of the important analog parameters like transconductance g m , drain conductance g d , Output resistance R out , transconductance generation efficiency g m /I ds have also been studied using ATLAS Device Simulation Software.