U. S. Copyright Clearance Center Code Statement: 0514-7166/80/2701-0028$02.50/0 ELISA for Measurement of Antibody Response 29 the infection had been manifest for five weeks. EaQ cow was given, respectively 5, 10 and 10ml. of the vaccine subcutaneously at 2-weeks intervals, with the first injection given six weeks before expected calving. Vaccinated and non-vaccinated cows and their calves were kept separate in the same byre throughout the investigation. Colostrum was given to all calves for 3 days, starting at the latest 6 hours after birth.
Bacteriological and clinical examinationEvery third week, beginning five weeks before starting the immunisation programme, faecal samples from all cows and calves under study were examined for the presence of Salmonellae. Each faecal specimen was enriched in tetrathionate broth (KAUFFMANN, 1930) and selenite broth (Oxoid CM 395), respectively. The broth cultures were incubated for 18 hours at 37 OC and each of them then subcultured on desoxycholate citrate agar (Oxoid CM 35) and brilliant green agar (Difco B 285) for 18 hours at 37OC. Salmonella-like colonies were tested biochemically and serologically. Simultaneously, with every faecal sampling the clinical status of each animal was recorded.
Sampling of serum and colostrumEach pregnant cow was bled immediately before the first vaccination i. e. approximately 6 weeks before expected calving.Samples of blood and colostrum were taken from all cows at the time of parturition. Each calf was bled during day 2-4, day 15-20 and day 30-35 after birth. On some occasions samples were not obtained from all animals. Sera were inactivated at 56 OC for 30 min. and stored at -20 OC.Colostra were delipidized by centrifugation and casein was removed by treatment with 0.2 O/o (w/v) rennin at 37 OC for 20 min. Colostra were then cleared by centrifugation and stored at -20 OC.
Tube agglutination testEqual amounts (0.25 ml.) of a standardized suspension of heat-killed S. typhimurium were added to serial two-fold dilutions of serum and colostrum. After incubation for 20 hours at 52 OC, the titres were determined as the highest serum or colostrum dilutions giving visible agglutination.
Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay (ELISA)Die Antikorperbildung nach einer Vakzination mit einem abgetoteten autogenen Impfstoff wurde in einem mit S. typhimurium infizierten Rinderbestand studiert. Kolostrum und Serum von vakzinierten und nicht geimpften Zbl. Vet. Med., Reihe B, Bd. 27, Heft 1 J Author's address: Dr. J. A. ROBERTSSON, National Veterinary Institute, S-750 07 Uppsala, muriwm infection in sudrler cows and calves. Br. Vet. J. 133, 239-244. of market calves in relation to their health. Acta vet. scand. 11, 341-360. 105-1 06. 263-268. 809-81 1.Sweden.