Ca2'-uptake activities of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) were determined with a Ca2 +-sensitive electrode in homogenates from fast-and slow-twitch muscles from both normal and dystrophic mice (C57BL/6J strain) of different ages. Immunochemical quantification of tissue Ca2 +-ATPase content allowed determination of the specific Ca2+-transport activity of the enzyme. In 3-week-old mice of the dystrophic strain specific Ca2+ transport was already significantly lower than in the normal strain. It progressively decreased with maturation and reached only 40 -50% and 30 -50% of the normal values in fast-and slow-twitch muscles of adult dystrophic animals, respectively. Tissue contents of calsequestrin were reduced in both types of muscle leading to an increased Ca2 + -ATPase to calsequestrin protein ratio. Equal amounts of the Ca2 + -ATPase protein (detected by Coomassie blue staining of polyacrylamide gels) were present in SR vesicles isolated by Ca2 +-oxalate loading from adult normal and dystrophic fast-twitch muscles. However, the specific ATP-hydrolysing activity of the enzyme was approximately 50% lower in dystrophic than in normal SR. The reduced ATP-hydrolysing activity was correlated with decreased Ca2 '-transport activity, phosphoprotein formation and fluorescein isothiocyanate labeling as determined in total microsomal and heavy SR fractions. Although the Ca2+ and ATP affinities of the enzyme were unaltered, its ATPase activity was reduced at all levels of ATP in the dystrophic SR. Taken together, these findings point to a markedly impaired function of the SR and an increase in the population of inactive SR Ca2 ' -ATPase molecules in murine muscular dystrophy.An increase of free Ca2+ concentration in the cytosol has been connected to the pathomechanism of muscular dystrophy (for reviews see [l-31). Increased Ca2+ concentrations in the sarcoplasm [4 -61 could be due to an increased Ca2+ influx caused by an elevated permeability of the sarcolemma (7 -lo], or from a reduced capacity of Ca2+ uptake by the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR) [l 1 -151. An imbalance in the Ca'+-regulating system could also be related to a reduced cytosolic Ca2 +-binding capacity of the diseased muscle fiber. A decrease in parvalbumin, the major cytosolic Ca2+-binding protein, was previously observed in fast-twitch muscles of adult dystrophic mice of the C57BL/6J(d~~'/dy~~) strain [16].In this context, we were interested in studying other Ca2+-sequestering proteins in dystrophic muscles, especially those of the sarcoplasmic reticulum (SR). In this study we investigated Ca2+ transport into the SR, tissue contents and catalytic properties of the SR Ca2+-ATPase, as well as the tissue concentration of calsequestrin, the putative Ca2 +-storage protein localised in luminal spaces of the terminal cisternae of the SR [17]. Murine muscular dystrophy is not clinically manifest at birth, but develops 3 -4 weeks post partum. Therefore, we followed the time courses of these parameters in hindlimb fast-and slow-twitch muscles from birth to 36 weeks of a...