“…HIV-1 pseudoviruses bearing HXB2, Bal26, and R3A envelope glycoproteins and the b-lactamase-Vpr chimera (BlaM-Vpr) were produced by cotransfecting HEK293T/17 cells with the HIV-based pR8DEnv packaging vector, pMM310 plasmid expressing BlaM-Vpr, 47 pcRev, 48 and the vector encoding HXB2 Env 49 or Bal26 (a gift from P. Clapham, University of Massachusetts, Worchester, MA) or R3A (a gift from Dr. J. Hoxie, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA), using the jetPRIME Ò transfection reagent (VWR, Radnor, PA). The transfection medium was replaced with fresh DMEM/ 10% FBS after 12 h and cells were cultured for 36 h, after which time the virus-containing culture medium was collected, passed through a 0.45-mm filter, aliquoted, and stored at -80°C.…”