Vaccination strategies based on repeated injections of NY-ESO-1 protein formulated in ISCOMATRIX particles (NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX) have shown to elicit combined NY-ESO-1 specific antibody and T cell responses. However, it remains unclear whether heterologous prime-boost strategies based on the combination with NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX with different NY-ESO-1 boosting reagents could be used to increase NY-ESO-1 CD8 1 or CD4 1 T cell responses. To address this question, we carried out a randomized clinical trial in 39 high-risk, resected melanoma patients vaccinated with NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX, and then boosted with repeated injections of either recombinant fowlpox virus encoding full length NY-ESO-1 (rF-NY-ESO-1) (Arm A) or NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX alone (Arm B). We have comprehensively analyzed NY-ESO-1 specific T cells and B cells response in all patients before and after vaccination for a total of seven time points per patient. NY-ESO-1 ISCOMATRIX alone elicited a strong NY-ESO-1 specific CD4 1 T cell and antibody response, which was maintained by both regiments at similar levels. Current vaccination strategies based on the use of recombinant viruses are failing to elicit specific T-cell responses similar to those generated by natural infections. The limited success of recombinant viruses as delivery vectors for T cell vaccines is mainly due to their high immunogenicity, resulting in an overwhelming immune response focused on the viral-vector proteins rather than on the desired recombinant protein antigens. 1 However, it remains unclear whether recombinant viruses can be used to boost the magnitude of immune responses elicited by the prior injection of recombinant immunogenic proteins.The cancer-testis antigen NY-ESO-1 is an attractive target antigen for cancer therapy, as it is expressed in many cancer types, but not normal tissues, except testis.2 Although promising results in various NY-ESO-1 formulations have been reported in recent cancer vaccine studies, 3-6 the optimal strategy for generating integrated antibody and T cell responses to control tumor growth has yet to be determined.ISCOMATRIX adjuvant is comprised of saponin, cholesterol and phospholipid and is capable of associating with proteins to form ISCOMATRIX vaccines.7 Recombinant