Brorson 0 , Brorson SH. A rapid method for generating cystic forms of Borrelia burgdorferi, and their reversal to mobile spirochetes. APMIS 106: 1131-1141, 1998. Mobile Borrelia burgdorferi were transferred to distilled water (lo6 per ml). The cultures were observed by dark field microscopy (DFM), interference contrast microscopy (ICM) and transmission electron microscopy (TEM). 95% of the spirochetes were converted to cysts after 1 min, and after 4 h no normal mobile borreliae were observed. When transferred to growth medium (BSK-H), the cysts became smaller and more irregular, and were filled with organic substances. After 1 day, 1-5 thin structures sprouted from the cysts. They continued to grow in both length and thickness until they attained a normal spirochetal structure. Finally, these new-born spirochetes detached from the cysts, by which time their mobility had become normal. The present method for producing large amounts of cystic forms of B. burgdorferi is well suited for further studies of this unique microbe.