Head and neck are a site of numerous pathologies with different aetiologies and presentations. Rare pathologies, although infrequent still do exist. Diagnostic dilemma in maxillofacial pathologies can be the most challenging situation. Dealing with uncertainty, although difficult, is a reality in surgical practice. Being thorough, attentive to details and clues, and maintaining an open mind are critical strategies in the approach to such a patient.
Case presentation
In our paper we are reporting a spectrum of 4 unusual variants of head and neck pathologies, whose age and sex were 52 years/ M, 37 years/F, 41 years/ F, 30 years/F respectively. All the patients were of Indian origin. The diagnosis ranged from autoimmune diseases to lymphatic cancer which posed a unique challenge both in the terms of diagnosis and management.
A thorough systematic evaluation along with a multidisciplinary approach is mandatory in the diagnosis of unusual head and neck pathologies.