Cutaneous squamous cell carcinoma (SCC) is a common form of skin cancer and often appears as a hard, scaly lump that occasionally ulcerates. It is usually associated with cumulative exposure to ultraviolet light, although prior scarring, chronic wounds, exposure to radiation, HPV infection, and immunosuppression are also associated risk factors. Primary SCC of the nipple is very rare and only a few cases have been reported. We present a case of a 49-year-old female with concerns of a right nipple lesion with erythema and pain. She was initially evaluated for Paget's disease with an underlying malignancy and cellulitis, but, after biopsy and investigation, she was found to have a well-differentiated SCC arising from a verruca vulgaris. Current literature does not provide distinct guidelines on management of SCC or its variants on the nipple, and the case was managed based off of SCC at other cutaneous sites as well as other cases of SCC on the nipple.