Summary: This study examined the pattern of protein synthesis in the neocortex, caudate-putamen, and the hippocampus following transient forebrain ischemia in rats, The animal model of temporary ischemia used in this study causes permanent damage to vulnerable neu rons with a time course of injury that varies fr om hours (caudate nucleus) to days (hippocampus), To examine the spectrum of proteins synthesized in these regions at 3 and 18 h after recirculation, cerebral proteins were pulse-la beled in vivo by an intravenous injection of [ 3 sSJmethio nine. Newly synthesized (3sS-labeled) and constitutive (unlabeled) proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography, In all three brain regions, specific proteins underwent preferential syn thesis (Mr �27,000, �65,000, �70,000, � I 10,000), while others showed decreased synthesis (neuron-specific eno lase, 0.-and l3-tubulin). There was an early (3 h post isch emia) induction of the Mr � 70,000 mammalian "stress"Tr ansient cerebral ischemia is associated with prolonged severe inhibition of brain protein syn thesis. Gradual recovery occurs long after energy metabolites have been restored and other metabolic processes normalized (Kleihues et aI. , 1975; Cooper et aI., 1977; Dienel et aI., 1980; Nowak et aI., 1985). Although the prolonged impairment of amino acid incorporation does not seem to reduce the total amount of brain protein or the activities of enzymes with low turnover rates, postischemic re- Schlesinger et al. (1982)]. In the present study newly synthesized ( 3 sS-labeled) proteins including stress proteins and constitutive (unlabeled) brain proteins were analyzed by two-dimensional gel electrophoresis and fluorography following the in vivo administration of [ 3 SS]methionine in control and postischemic animals. During transient ischemia (30 min) produced by occlusion of the four major arteries supplying the brain, all forebrain regions are severely ischemic but subsequently differ in the extent and rate of progression of neuronal cell death (Pulsinelli et aI.,
POSTlSCHEMIC PROTEIN SYNTHESIS IN RAT BRAIN 6431982a,b). Following restoration of cerebral blood flow, ischemic cell death progresses for several hours (in the caudate-putamen) to days (in the hip pocampus and neocortex). The majority of CAl py ramidal neurons and striatal small-to medium-sized neurons die, whereas injury to CA 3 pyramidal or neocortical neurons is relatively mild or absent. This phenomenon of selective and "delayed neu ronal cell death" (Kirino, 1982; Pulsinelli et aI. , 1982a) suggests that neurons remain viable throughout the ischemic period or even hours thereafter, but that certain sUbpopulations subse quently succumb owing to ischemia-induced meta bolic derangements of as-yet unidentified nature. The objective of this investigation was to assess whether regional differences in the spectrum of proteins synthesized by postischemic brain tissue exist and possibly predict the success or failure to recover from a potentially lethal insult.