To date, there is no reasonable explanation as to why plaques and tangles simultaneously accumulate in Alzheimer's disease (AD). We demonstrate here by Western blotting and ELISA that a stable complex can form between tau and amyloid- protein (A). This complex enhances tau phosphorylation by GSK3, but the phosphorylation then promotes dissociation of the complex. We have localized the sites of this interaction by using peptide membrane arrays. A binds to multiple tau peptides, especially those in exons 7 and 9. This binding is sharply reduced or abolished by phosphorylation of specific serine and threonine residues. Conversely, tau binds to multiple A peptides in the mid to C-terminal regions of A. This binding is also significantly decreased by GSK3 phosphorylation of tau. We used surface plasmon resonance to determine the binding affinity of A for tau and found it to be in the low nanomolar range and almost 1,000-fold higher than tau for itself. In soluble extracts from AD and control brain tissue, we detected A bound to tau in ELISAs. We also found by double immunostaining of AD brain tissue that phosphorylated tau and A form separate insoluble complexes within the same neurons and their processes. We hypothesize that in AD, an initial step in the pathogenesis may be the intracellular binding of soluble A to soluble nonphosphorylated tau, thus promoting tau phosphorylation and A nucleation. Blocking the sites where A initially binds to tau might arrest the simultaneous formation of plaques and tangles in AD.immunochemistry ͉ neurofibrillary tangles ͉ senile plaques ͉ surface plasmon resonance S o far, no reasonable interpretation has been advanced to explain the simultaneous appearance of senile plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (NFTs) in Alzheimer's disease (AD). Senile plaques develop extracellularly with the main component being aggregated amyloid- protein (A), whereas NFTs develop intracellularly with the main component being aggregated forms of phosphorylated tau. The two aggregation processes appear to occur independently, because NFTs develop in neuronal cell bodies and senile plaques develop around their nerve endings. This observation has led to two schools of thought regarding AD causation. The tau hypothesis holds that the disease is driven by tangles resulting from an excess of tau phosphorylation or a deficiency of its dephosphorylation (1). The hypothesis does not explain plaques. The amyloid hypothesis holds that the disease is driven by excess production of A (2, 3). This hypothesis does not explain NFTs. Nevertheless, the amyloid cascade hypothesis is dominant because mutations in amyloid precursor protein (APP), which enhance A production, cause autosomal dominant AD but not other types of dementia (2). On the other hand, mutations in tau that promote tau aggregation produce autosomal dominant frontotemporal dementia but not AD (4, 5). As a result, the presumption is that excess A is a major cause and an upstream event of AD tangle formation, but exactly how an A excess ...