To investigate a role of proteoglycan (PG) on developing mouse mandibular condylar cartilage, effects of β-Dxyloside, which can inhibit normal PG synthesis, was confirmed in organ culture. Anlagen of condylar cartilage at E14.0 were taken and cultured for 6 days with or without β-D-xyloside. Adding β-D-xyloside remarkably reduced condylar cartilage formation, and formed cartilage showed more fibrocartilaginous characteristics. These results indicated that normal PG synthesis is required for forming intact condylar cartilage. Thickened perichondrium, however, was compensatory formed around cartilage matrix, and consequently outline of mandibular condyle was considerably maintained. This phenomenon might be derived from characteristics of condylar cartilage as secondary cartilage, and condylar cartilage might have ability to manage to execute its own morphogenesis utilizing materials available.