The distribution of a heavy metal binding protein, metallothionein, was studied immunocytochemically by using antimetallothionein antibody and the immunoperoxidase staining technique on histological sections of liver, kidney, intestine, lung, and testis from cadmium-treated rats. These tissues either accumulate heavy metals (e.g., liver, kidney, and testis) or are exposed to metal by ingestion or inhalation (intestine and lung). Staining for metallothionein was Because of the secretory, absorptive, or nutritive function of the metallothionein-localizing cells in the organs studied, we suggest that metallothionein may be involved in metal storage or transport in addition to its commonly proposed detoxification role.Metallothionein-a low molecular weight (Mr 6,100), sulfurrich protein-has been identified in a wide variety oforganisms ranging from yeast to man (1, 2). The molecule is characterized by a high cysteine content (20 of 61 amino acids in mammalian forms) and the ability to bind class II B transition metal atoms (e.g., Zn, Cd, or Hg). The precise biological function of metallothionein is not known, although it has been suggested to be important in metal homeostasis and detoxification because of its presence in many mammalian tissues (1-3). In addition, metallothionein synthesis has been shown to increase in the kidney (4), liver (4, 5), lung (6), and intestine (7) ofrodents after treatment with heavy metals. Stressful environmental conditions such as food restriction (8, 9), cold exposure (10), or physical exercise (10) have also been reported to increase metallothionein content in liver tissue. Furthermore, treatment ofcells in culture or experimental animals with glucocorticoid hormones can also induce metallothionein synthesis (9,11,12 MATERIALS AND METHODS Experimental Animals. Inbred male McCollum rats (6-8 mo of age; 450-500 g of body weight) were kept in animal quarters on a light/dark cycle (12 hr/12 hr) and were fed Purina chow and water ad lib. For induction ofmetallothionein synthesis the animals were injected subcutaneously with cadmium chloride in saline (1 mg/kg of body weight) once daily during the early afternoon for 4 consecutive days. The animals were sacrificed 48 hr after the last injection.Metallothionein. Rat metallothionein was isolated from liver and purified as described (13). Isometallothioneins A and B were mixed in equimolar proportions and crosslinked with glutaraldehyde prior to injection into rabbits for antibody production. The preparation and characterization of the metallothionein antibody have been described (13).Tissue Preparation. Experimental animals were sacrificed by cervical dislocation. Organs of interest were removed, washed briefly in isotonic saline, and fixed in Helly's fluid for 6-8 hr, except testis, which was fixed in Bouin's fixative for 24 hr. The tissue fragments were dehydrated by a series ofchanges in dioxane, transferred to toluene/terpineol (3:1), and embedded in paraffin. Sections were cut at 6-8 tum and mounted on slides previously coate...