tients and decreases with worsening of the disease. Hepatocyte proliferative activity is elevated in cir-(HEPATOLOGY 1996;23:1003-1011.) rhotic patients who develop hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) and decreased in alcohol-induced hepatitis patients with poor outcome. Hepatocyte proliferative activity has not been evaluated in an unselected populaProliferating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) is a highly tion of cirrhotic patients regarding the severity of the conserved acidic nuclear protein with an apparent modisease. Forty-six cirrhotic patients (21 alcoholic, 20 vi-lecular weight of about 36 kd. It is synthesized in the ral, and 5 other) were prospectively analyzed by prolifer-late G 1 and in the S-phase of the cell cycle, 1-3 and it ating cell nuclear antigen (PCNA) immunostaining on has been identified as the auxiliary protein of DNA methanol-fixed, paraffin-embedded liver biopsy speci-polymerase-d.
one-which represents PCNA tightly associated withIt declined with worsening Child-Pugh score: 9.15% (range, 3.3%-20.2%), 5.3% (range, 1.2%-18%), and 2.4% DNA replication sites-appears to be maintained in (range, 0%-4.4%) in Child classes A, B, and C, respectively cells or in tissues after methanol fixation. 5,6 Accord-(P õ .05). Using the best cutoff PCNA-LI value to divide ingly, PCNA immunopositivity after methanol fixation cirrhosis into slowly and rapidly proliferating tissue marks only that fraction of the cell population that is subsets, the PCNA index was independently associated undergoing DNA synthesis (S-phase), whereas, with with serum albumin. The probability of survival in pa-formalin fixation, the staining of nuclei extends to G 1 , tients with a high PCNA-LI (ú4.4%) was significantly G 2 , and M phases. there was a good concordance between PCNA immunopatic portosystemic shunt (TIPS), the PCNA-LI decreased after the procedure. This early impairment of staining and the other well-established parameters of hepatocyte proliferative activity after TIPS placement cell proliferation such as thymidine 6,10 or bromodeoxymight reflect the functional alterations induced by this uridine (BrdU) 7,11 incorporation, S-phase fraction detreatment. In conclusion, hepatocyte proliferative activ-termined by flow cytometry, 12-14 Ki-67 immunoreactivity assessed by PCNA-LI is increased in cirrhotic pa-ity, 15,16 and DNA polymerase-a immunopositivity. 17 Moreover, in methanol-fixed tissue treated with the BrdU/PCNA double-labeling procedure, the proportion copy. 18 From the