Thirty-five species of protozoan parasites belonging to thirteen genera have now been recorded for British small rodents. These include species of Entamoeba, Giardia, Spironucleus, Trichomonas, Chilomastix, Eimeria and Cryptosporidium in the gut; Trypanosoma, Hepatozoon and Babesia in the blood; and Toxoplasma, Frenkelia and Sarcocystis in the tissues. Recent advances have progressed along two lines, the elucidation of the life-cycles of the species of Frenkelia and Sarcocystis, which are now known to involve a carnivore as the final host, and laboratory studies on those parasites that can be maintained in laboratory animals. It is now possible to draw up a definitive list of hosts and parasites and this should serve as a basis for studies on the epidemiology of these parasites and their possible effects on their hosts.