1 Responses to adenosine, R-PIA and ovalbumen were examined in guinea-pig isolated superfused tracheal spirals to determine the eects of passive sensitization by overnight incubation in serum from ovalbumen (OA)-sensitized or non-sensitized guinea-pigs. 2 Tissues incubated with serum from non-sensitized and OA-sensitized guinea-pigs contracted (0.07+0.02 and 0.04+0.01 g, respectively) to adenosine (300 mM) whereas non-incubated or Krebsincubated tissues produced no contractions to adenosine or ovalbumen (10 mg). Ovalbumen caused substantial contractions (0.40+0.09 g) after OA-sensitized serum incubation and signi®cantly (P50.05) smaller contractions (0.08+0.03 g) after non-sensitized serum incubation. Tracheae from guinea-pigs actively sensitized to ovalbumen 14 ± 21 days beforehand also contracted to adenosine, R-PIA (3 mM) and ovalbumen. 3 The A 1 /A 2 adenosine receptor antagonist, 8-phenyltheophylline (8-PT, 3 mM), failed to antagonize these contractions, suggesting that A 1 /A 2 adenosine receptors were not involved. 4 Unlike adenosine, R-PIA (3 mM) produced contractions in non-incubated (0.23+0.04 g) or Krebs-incubated (0.15+0.04 g) tracheae, as well as after passive and active sensitization. None of these responses were blocked by 8-PT. 5 The A 3 receptor agonist, IB-MECA, in the presence of 8-PT produced small contractions in passively sensitized tracheae (10 mM, 0.02+0.003 g) and, in larger doses (100 mM and 1 mM), contracted actively sensitized tracheae. 6 In actively sensitized trachea, the A 3 receptor antagonist, MRS-1220 (100 nM), signi®cantly (P50.05) attenuated adenosine contractions in the presence of 8-PT from 0.23+0.07 g to 0.07+0.03 g. 7 These results show that passive, like active sensitization, reveals bronchoconstrictions to adenosine of isolated tracheae. The insensitivity to 8-PT blockade, the antagonism by MRS-1220, and the fact that the A 3 receptor agonist, IB-MECA, mimics this response, suggest involvement of A 3 receptors. R-PIA, however, has a dierent pro®le of adenosine receptor activity.