Various types of radioimmunoassay (RIA) have been deve loped for demonstration and quantification of antibodies aga inst My cobacterium l eprae .They may be classified as fol lows : a.RIA for antibodies against one cross-reacting comp onent of M. leprae . b.RIA for antibodies against M. leprae spec ific antigenic deter minants . c.RIA demonstrating antibodies of a particular immunoglobulin class against M. leprae . The purpose of th is paper is to present our current knowledge on the se variou s radioimmunoassays and the ir informative value in human leprosy and in monitor ing the deve lopment of systemic myco bacterial infection after exper imental inoculation of armadillos . Fin ally, the plans for further deve lopment and tests of these assays in our laboratory will be discussed .RIA for antibodies against one cross-react ing component of M. lepraeThe RIA for demonstration and quantification of antibodies against M. leprae component 7 (anti-Ml 7) was deve loped (1, 2) as an example of a te st of this kind .By de finition , increased concentrations of anti-Ml 7 are not specific for leprosy but are also expected to occur in other mycobacterial infections .As with anti-polysaccharide antibodies demonstrated by the passive haemagglutination test of Midd lebrook and Dubos (3) , anti Ml 7 is expected to occur in norma l individuals due to stimulat ion by cross-reacting antigens in environmental mycobacteria .Th e amount of anti-Ml 7 antibodies synthesized during mycobac terial infection is expected to be influenced not only by antigenic stimulation due to the infection per se but also by the individual 's previous exposure to other mycobacteria containing antigens cross reacting with M. leprae antigen 7.Strong immune responses may be obtained after primary exposure 19