“…Nevertheless, these findings confirm that the antibody produced after immunization with LPS 01 13 is directed mainly against the O-polysaccharide determinant of LPS 0113, rather than the lipid-A-associated protein or some other component not present in NPP. these findings, in addition to those of T a b l e III, strongly suggest that (a) the antibody response produced is directed against the polysaccharide moiety of LPS 0113 rather than lipid-A-associated protein, and that (b) priming with N P P can prepare C B A / N , as well as other strains of mice (20), to give a secondary or increased antibody response to LPS 0113. W h e n C B A / N mice were h y p e r i m m u n i z e d (i.e., given three weekly injections of LPS 0113) before i m m u n i z a t i o n with 10 ~g LPS 0113, the response produced was less (P < 0.05) than that for a primary response (Table IV).…”