Materials and MethodsCell Preparation, Chemotaxis, and Random Mobility. Human polymorphonuclear leukocytes (PMNs) were prepared from peripheral blood of healthy adult donors. Blood was mixed with heparin, 10 U/ml, to prevent coagulation. Neutrophil preparations were obtained as previously described (2, 5-7) by Plasmagel sedimentation of erythrocytes and resuspension of leukocytes to a concentration of 7 x 106 PMNs/ml in Hanks' balanced salt solution (HBSS). In some experiments mononuclear cells were removed from these preparations by Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation (8). Cell suspensions obtained by this combined technique contained greater than 95% PMNs. Monocytos were prepared by Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation of whole blood (8), and the band ofmononuclear cells was collected, washed, and adjusted to a cell concentration of 5 x l0 s cells per ml with HBSS. This preparation contained from 11 to 40% monocytes as determined by peroxidase staining (9).Studies of PMN chemotaxis were performed using a modified Boyden technique (2, 5-7). Chemotaxis was expressed as a chemotactic index representing the average number of cells per high power field (400 ×) which had migrated to the distal side of the membrane. Monocyte chemotaxis was measured in a similar type of chamber with a 5 fern pore size Nuclepore membrane (Nuclepore Corp., Pleasanton, Calif.) (10). In some PMN experiments a slightly different Boyden type chamber was used (11) so that the lower compartment could be aspirated and the number of cells which had migrated into the lower chamber counted.Random PMN mobility was assessed using the capillary tube migration assay (12). PMNs were isolated by combined plasmagel sedimentation and Ficoll-Hypaque centrifugation. Capillary *