Body weight is a general indicator for assessing health status. Various diseases cause drastic weight loss, including cancer. Propolis is a bee product that has various therapeutic effects such as; anti-bacterial, antitumor, antioxidant and immunomodulatory. Propolis is also reported to be able to reduce digestive organ disorders, increase appetite and improve metabolic processes. Chemicals such as 7.12-dymethyilbenz (a) antracene (DMBA) are widely reported to have strong carcinogenic effects, especially in Sprague–Dawley rat. This study aims to assess the effect of propolis extract on the weight of Sprague–Dawley female rat induced with DMBA (7,12-dymethylbenz (a) antracene). Twenty-four female Sprague–Dawley rats 45-50 days old were induced by DMBA with a combination of injection and oral methods, as negative controls 6 Sprague–Dawley rats without DMBA induction. At the 11th week randomized negative control rats and DMBA treated rats were taken for histopathological examination of breast tissue. After it was found that rat with DMBA treatment were positive for breast cancer, in the 12th week the rat that had received DMBA treatment were divided into 4 groups, 3 groups received oral propolis extract through a gastric sonde with doses 50, 100 and 200 mg in 1 ml of corn oil, 1 group as a positive control did not get the treatment of propolis extract. Body weight is weighed before starting treatment and monitored every two weeks to 15 weeks. The results of weighing showed that the group of rat that received DMBA increased their body weight lower than the group without DMBA, and then the treatment group of propolis extract increased their body weight higher than the group without the treatment of propolis extract. The results showed that the treatment of propolis extract had a potency to improve the body weight profile of rat breast cancer model induced by DMBA.
Berat badan merupakan indikator umum untuk menilai status kesehatan. Berbagai penyakit menyebabkan penurunan berat badan yang drastis, diantaranya adalah kanker. Propolis merupakan produk lebah yang memiliki berbagai efek terapi seperti; anti bakteri, anti tumor, antioksidan dan imunomodulator. Propolis juga dilaporkan mampu menurunkan gangguan organ pencernaan, peningkatan nafsu makan, dan perbaikan proses metabolisme. Bahan kimia seperti 7,12-dymethyilbenz(a)antracene (DMBA) banyak dilaporkan memiliki efek karsinogenik yang kuat khususnya terhadap tikus Sprague–Dawley. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk menilai pengaruh pemberian ekstrak propolis terhadap berat badan tikus Sprague–Dawley betina yang diinduksi untuk mengalami kanker payudara dengan DMBA. Sebanyak 24 ekor tikus Sprague– Dawley betina berumur 45-50 hari diinduksi dengan DMBA dengan kombinasi metode injeksi dan oral, sebagai kontrol negatif 6 ekor tikus Sprague–Dawley tanpa induksi DMBA. Pada minggu ke-11 diambil secara acak tikus kontrol negatif dan tikus perlakuan DMBA untuk dilakukan pemeriksaan histolopatogi jaringan payudara. Setelah didapatkan bahwa tikus dengan perlakuan DMBA positif mengalami kanker payudara, pada minggu ke-12 tikus yang telah mendapat perlakuan DMBA dibagi menjadi 4 kelompok, 3 kelompok mendapat ekstrak propolis oral melalui sonde dengan dosis masing-masing 50, 100, dan 200 mg dalam 1 ml minyak jagung, 1 kelompok sebagai kontrol positif tidak mendapat perlakuan ekstrak propolis. Berat badan ditimbang sebelum mulai perlakuan dan dipantau tiap dua minggu sampai 15 minggu. Hasil penimbangan berat badan menunjukkan bahwa kelompok tikus yang mendapat DMBA peningkatan berat badannya lebih rendah dibanding kelompok tanpa DMBA, dan selanjutnya kelompok perlakuan ekstrak propolis kenaikan berat badannya lebih tinggi dibanding kelompok tanpa perlakuan ekstrak propolis. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa perlakuan ekstrak propolis memiliki potensi memperbaiki profil berat badan tikus model kanker payudara yang diinduksi dengan DMBA.