Public reporting burder for this collection of information is estimated to average 1 hour per response, including the time for revievAng instructions, searching edsting data sources, gathering and maintaining the data needed, and completing and reviewing this collection of information.
Abstract (Maximum 200 Words) (abstract should contain no proprietary or confidential information)The purpose of the proposed work is to determine the reproductive and developmental toxicity of depleted uranium (DU) ore in Sprague-Dawly rats. DU-tipped munitions have become common-place on the modem battlefield and recent experience has shown that minor injuries associated with DU munitions are becoming more common. Four hundred ninety-eight adult (P1) SD rats were implanted with up to 20, 1x2 mm DU pellets and mated at 30 and 120 days postimplantation. Preliminary findings indicate no adverse effect associated with DU implantation on P1 reproductive success, or F l and F2 offspring survival and development.