We have measured the broadening, and in one case also the shift, of alkali nS and nD Rydberg levels by alkali perturbers (Cs by Cs, Rb by Cs and K, and K by Rb) applying the Doppler-free two-photon technique and thermionic detection. Taking into account recent experimental data for the self-broadening of K and Rb Rydberg levels we found that for low principal quantum numbers n the broadening data of the levels are in agreement within the limits of experimental uncertainty in the pure and mixed cases. For high n we could establish that the broadening of the levels is governed by the perturber-valence electron and the perturber-ion core interaction. With increasing n the broadening rates are only dependent on the sort of perturber. As reported recently for Rb-Rb and K-K, oscillations in the broadening data as a function of n were also observed for Cs-Cs and in the mixed vapours. Our results do not support recent theories which describe the oscillations in terms of resonances in the scattering of the quasifree valence electron on the perturber atom. In a classical absorption experiment oscillations in the self-broadening and shift of the Cs principal series lines discovered by Mazing and Serapinas were found to be due to satellite structures which are merged in non-Lorentzian line wings.