The purpose of this article is to examine the impact of the various dimensions of the owner / manager profile on access to bank credit for Cameroonian SMEs working in the trade / distribution subsector. The results of the estimates carried out on a convenience sample of 93 SMEs / CDs highlight three main explanatory variables for access to bank credit, including the age of the owner / manager, his level of education and his relationship network intensity. Thus, owners / managers of SMEs/CDs aged 40 and over, with a high school education and a high network intensity are more likely to access the amount of credit requested. Therefore, promoters of SMEs / CDs would be better off establishing links with bankers, suppliers of goods or even associations in order to increase their chance of accessing the amount of credit requested.Keywords: access to credit, SME in the trade / distribution subsector, logistic regression, relational network, manager 1 La définition officielle de PME au Cameroun découle de la loi n° 2015/010 du 16 juillet 2015 modifiant et complétant la loi n° 2010/001 du 13 avril 2010 portant promotion des Petites et Moyennes Entreprises (PME). Selon cette loi, rentrent dans la catégorie PME les entreprises ayant un effectif permanent inférieur ou égale à 100 individus et dont le chiffre d'affaires annuel hors taxe est inférieur ou égale à trois milliard de FCFA.