This article examines the energy-absorption capacity of 50k and 12k carbon ber composite tubular specimens crushed axially, in both quasi-static and dynamic fashions. Round and square tubular specimens with §45 ± and §45 ± = 0 ± ber orientation schemes were studied. The fundamental issue was to compare the energy-absorption capacity of the lower-cost 50k material with the 12k material, and to examine the in uence of specimen geometry, ber orientation schemes, and dynamic effects on the energyabsorption characteristics. Specimens made from the 50k material absorbed less energy than similar specimens made with the 12k material, and the load ratios were generally higher for the 50k specimens. The square specimens tended to have lower values of speci c energy absorption (SEA) than the circular specimens. In addition, the crush modes were somewhat different and the load ratios were generally higher for the square specimens than for the circular specimens. Changing the ber orientation schemes did not have much of an effect on the SEA, nor on the crush modes, but the presence of 0 ± bers led to higher load ratios for the 50k specimens. The specimens tested dynamically had lower SEAs and higher load ratios than similar specimens that were tested statically.While there already exists a signi cant body of literature regarding the energy-absorption capabilities of ber-reinforced composite materials [1 -14], new material developments and manufacturing schemes require continuing investigation of the problem. Though previous studies have concluded that graphite-reinforced materials often absorb energy better than glass-or Kevlar-reinforced materials, the cost of graphite is considerably higher. However, carbon ber that is lower in cost than traditional aerospace-grade carbon ber is